Yea...I find it so true that when you get angry, you can't think or act properly. But with God's love...there calm in your heart..and hurt is no longer that hurtful. Don't you think so? regards, Honey
lagi jalan2 sempet juga ya nulis ginian.qeqeqe...
salam kenalfound ur writing very attractive:Dpoetic in a simple way ;)
@natazya : thanks.
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5 komentar:
Yea...I find it so true that when you get angry, you can't think or act properly. But with God's love...there calm in your heart..and hurt is no longer that hurtful. Don't you think so? regards, Honey
lagi jalan2 sempet juga ya nulis ginian.
salam kenal
found ur writing very attractive
poetic in a simple way ;)
@natazya : thanks.
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